
…local entanglement in addition to the non-local one associ- ated with the global superposition. While the local entanglement can be directly removed by the cooling algorithm, the global one is…


…costs are only incurred when j is a principal row of A, the time complexity is O(sj) when j is not a principal row of A. 4.3 Diagonal Clifford operations…


…it significantly degrades the error-correction performance of classical message-passing decoders. To improve their performance, a post-processing algorithm is usually employed. To narrow the gap be- tween algorithmic solutions and hardware…


…Agrawal, S. Halder, and M. Banik, “Genuinely entangled subspace with all-encompassing distill- able entanglement across every bipartition,” Phys. Rev. A, vol. 99, p. 032335, 2019. [Online]. Avail- able: https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA. 99.032335…


…T additional qubits with qexp given by Eq. (71). All in all, the total T-depth for path loading using the re-parameterization method to precision ε for d assets and T…


…remain small enough to be tractable via classical algorithms, such as the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) optimization algorithm[41] used in our im- plementation. Also, since the performance of the out- lined algorithm…


…it is the natural procedure in se- quential analysis algorithms [32, 33]. When trying to discriminate between two states, it is known that online strategies at- tain optimal global performance,…