Stable factorization for phase factors of quantum signal processing

Lexing Ying

Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

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This paper proposes a new factorization algorithm for computing the phase factors of quantum signal processing. The proposed algorithm avoids root finding of high degree polynomials by using a key step of Prony's method and is numerically stable in the double precision arithmetics. Experimental results are reported for Hamiltonian simulation, eigenstate filtering, matrix inversion, and Fermi-Dirac operator.

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[7] Yulong Dong, Lin Lin, Hongkang Ni, and Jiasu Wang, "Infinite quantum signal processing", arXiv:2209.10162, (2022).

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[9] I. Novikau, I. Y. Dodin, and E. A. Startsev, "Simulation of Linear Non-Hermitian Boundary-Value Problems with Quantum Singular-Value Transformation", Physical Review Applied 19 5, 054012 (2023).

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