SQuADDS: A validated design database and simulation workflow for superconducting qubit design

Sadman Shanto1,2, Andre Kuo1,2, Clark Miyamoto1,2, Haimeng Zhang1,3, Vivek Maurya1,2, Evangelos Vlachos1,2, Malida Hecht1,2, Chung Wa Shum1,2, and Eli Levenson-Falk1,2,3

1Center for Quantum Information Science and Technology, University of Southern California
2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California
3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California

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We present an open-source database of superconducting quantum device designs that may be used as the starting point for customized devices. Each design can be generated programmatically using the open-source Qiskit Metal package, and simulated using finite-element electromagnetic solvers. We present a robust workflow for achieving high accuracy on design simulations. Many designs in the database are experimentally validated, showing excellent agreement between simulated and measured parameters. Our database includes a front-end interface that allows users to generate ``best-guess'' designs based on desired circuit parameters. This project lowers the barrier to entry for research groups seeking to make a new class of devices by providing them a well-characterized starting point from which to refine their designs.

Devices made from superconducting circuits are a leading quantum information technology, in part because their properties can be easily engineered by changing the circuit design. This leads to the problem of determining how to physically lay out a circuit in order to produce certain target behavior. This problem is challenging, often requiring computationally-intense simulations and many rounds of time-consuming trial-and-error. In this paper we present SQuADDS, a Superconducting Qubit And Device Design and Simulation database. This database and associated Python package allows users to put in a set of target device properties, and receive a premade design that has already been simulated to produce the desired behavior. This software aims to solve the design problem in superconducting quantum devices, speeding progress and lowering barriers to entry.

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Cited by

[1] M. O. Hecht, Kumar Saurav, Evangelos Vlachos, Daniel A. Lidar, and Eli M. Levenson-Falk, "Beating the Ramsey limit on sensing with deterministic qubit control", arXiv:2408.15926, (2024).

[2] Vinay Tripathi, Daria Kowsari, Kumar Saurav, Haimeng Zhang, Eli M. Levenson-Falk, and Daniel A. Lidar, "Deterministic Benchmarking of Quantum Gates", arXiv:2407.09942, (2024).

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