Privacy-preserving machine learning with tensor networks

Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens1,2,3,4, Senaida Hernández-Santana5, José Ramón Pareja Monturiol3,4, Marco Castrillón López6, Giannicola Scarpa7, Carlos E. González-Guillén5, and David Pérez-García3,4

1Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
2Constructor Institute, 8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland
3Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (CSIC-UAM-UC3M-UCM), 28049 Madrid, Spain
4Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
5Departamento de Matemática Aplicada a la Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28006 Madrid, Spain
6Departamento de Álgebra, Geometría y Topología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
7Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28031 Madrid, Spain

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Tensor networks, widely used for providing efficient representations of low-energy states of local quantum many-body systems, have been recently proposed as machine learning architectures which could present advantages with respect to traditional ones. In this work we show that tensor-network architectures have especially prospective properties for privacy-preserving machine learning, which is important in tasks such as the processing of medical records. First, we describe a new privacy vulnerability that is present in feedforward neural networks, illustrating it in synthetic and real-world datasets. Then, we develop well-defined conditions to guarantee robustness to such vulnerability, which involve the characterization of models equivalent under gauge symmetry. We rigorously prove that such conditions are satisfied by tensor-network architectures. In doing so, we define a novel canonical form for matrix product states, which has a high degree of regularity and fixes the residual gauge that is left in the canonical forms based on singular value decompositions. We supplement the analytical findings with practical examples where matrix product states are trained on datasets of medical records, which show large reductions on the probability of an attacker extracting information about the training dataset from the model's parameters. Given the growing expertise in training tensor-network architectures, these results imply that one may not have to be forced to make a choice between accuracy in prediction and ensuring the privacy of the information processed.


Presentation “Privacy-preserving machine learning with tensor networks” by Alejandro Pozas Kerstjens at PIRSA Perimeter Institute.

Machine learning, while highly successful, faces great challenges in regards to mass adoption. One of them is the treatment of sensitive data. Given the recent passing of laws such as the European GDPR, how these challenges are dealt with will ultimately determine the scope of application of machine learning. In this work, we argue that machine learning models based on tensor networks (which originate in the study of quantum many-body systems) are promising candidates for privacy-preserving machine learning. We do so by, first, identifying a new privacy vulnerability in standard, feedforward neural networks. Second, we formally prove that model architectures with gauge symmetries (i.e., that are invariant under certain reparametrizations) are robust to this vulnerability. An example of these are tensor-network architectures, which are becoming competitive with neural networks in certain applications. We support these analytical findings with numerical experiments on models trained on medical records, observing huge reductions on the probability of an attacker of extracting information about the training dataset from analyzing the models' parameters. Our results imply that one may not have to be forced to make a choice between accuracy in prediction and ensuring the privacy of the information processed when training machine learning models.

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Cited by

[1] José Ramón Pareja Monturiol, David Pérez-García, and Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, "TensorKrowch: Smooth integration of tensor networks in machine learning", Quantum 8, 1364 (2024).

[2] Elena Peña Tapia, Giannicola Scarpa, and Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, "A didactic approach to quantum machine learning with a single qubit", Physica Scripta 98 5, 054001 (2023).

[3] Javier Lopez-Piqueres, Jing Chen, and Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz, "Symmetric tensor networks for generative modeling and constrained combinatorial optimization", Machine Learning: Science and Technology 4 3, 035009 (2023).

[4] Arturo Acuaviva, Visu Makam, Harold Nieuwboer, David Pérez-García, Friedrich Sittner, Michael Walter, and Freek Witteveen, "The minimal canonical form of a tensor network", arXiv:2209.14358, (2022).

[5] Matthias Christandl, Vladimir Lysikov, Vincent Steffan, Albert H. Werner, and Freek Witteveen, "The resource theory of tensor networks", arXiv:2307.07394, (2023).

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