Pipelined correlated minimum weight perfect matching of the surface code

Alexandru Paler1,2 and Austin G. Fowler3

1Aalto University, Espoo 02150, Finland
2University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA
3Google Inc., Santa Barbara, 93117 CA, USA

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We describe a pipeline approach to decoding the surface code using minimum weight perfect matching, including taking into account correlations between detection events. An independent no-communication parallelizable processing stage reweights the graph according to likely correlations, followed by another no-communication parallelizable stage for high confidence matching. A later general stage finishes the matching. This is a simplification of previous correlated matching techniques which required a complex interaction between general matching and re-weighting the graph. Despite this simplification, which gives correlated matching a better chance of achieving real-time processing, we find the logical error rate practically unchanged. We validate the new algorithm on the fully fault-tolerant toric, unrotated, and rotated surface codes, all with standard depolarizing noise. We expect these techniques to be applicable to a wide range of other decoders.

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