An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Quantum Max-Cut on Triangle-Free Graphs

Robbie King

Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Caltech

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We give an approximation algorithm for Quantum Max-Cut which works by rounding an SDP relaxation to an entangled quantum state. The SDP is used to choose the parameters of a variational quantum circuit. The entangled state is then represented as the quantum circuit applied to a product state. It achieves an approximation ratio of 0.582 on triangle-free graphs. The previous best algorithms of Anshu, Gosset, Morenz, and Parekh, Thompson achieved approximation ratios of 0.531 and 0.533 respectively. In addition, we study the EPR Hamiltonian, which we argue is a natural intermediate problem which isolates some key quantum features of local Hamiltonian problems. For the EPR Hamiltonian, we give an approximation algorithm with approximation ratio $1 / \sqrt{2}$ on all graphs.

How can we round an SDP relaxation to an entangled quantum state? And how should we optimize a variational circuit ansatz? In this work, we solve these two problems by combining them: Use the SDP solution to choose the parameters of the variational circuit.

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► References

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