When does a particle arrive?

Simone Roncallo1,2, Krzysztof Sacha3, and Lorenzo Maccone1,2

1Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Via Agostino Bassi 6, I-27100, Pavia, Italy
2INFN Sezione di Pavia, Via Agostino Bassi 6, I-27100, Pavia, Italy
3Instytut Fizyki imienia Mariana Smoluchowskiego, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, ulica Profesora Stanisława Łojasiewicza 11, PL-30-348 Kraków, Poland

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We compare the proposals that have appeared in the literature to describe a measurement of the time of arrival of a quantum particle at a detector. We show that there are multiple regimes where different proposals give inequivalent, experimentally discriminable, predictions. This analysis paves the way for future experimental tests.

Measurements of time are problematic in quantum mechanics since, unlike position and momentum, time is not described by an observable. Simple questions like "When does a particle arrive at a detector?" are difficult to treat. In the literature, this is the time of arrival problem. Several solutions have been considered, mostly grouped into three main approaches: Kijowski's axiomatic construction, the quantum flux and the quantum clock proposals. However, they all lead to different predictions!

We identify realizable regimes for experimentally discriminating these approaches. Our results show that discrepancies appear in strongly quantum regimes, namely when the particle displays quantum interference in the time of arrival: destructive interference at times when it is less likely to detect the particle, constructive interference when detection is more likely to happen.

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