Fast-forwarding quantum evolution

Shouzhen Gu1, Rolando D. Somma2, and Burak Şahinoğlu2

1Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
2Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA

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We investigate the problem of fast-forwarding quantum evolution, whereby the dynamics of certain quantum systems can be simulated with gate complexity that is sublinear in the evolution time. We provide a definition of fast-forwarding that considers the model of quantum computation, the Hamiltonians that induce the evolution, and the properties of the initial states. Our definition accounts for $any$ asymptotic complexity improvement of the general case and we use it to demonstrate fast-forwarding in several quantum systems. In particular, we show that some local spin systems whose Hamiltonians can be taken into block diagonal form using an efficient quantum circuit, such as those that are permutation-invariant, can be exponentially fast-forwarded. We also show that certain classes of positive semidefinite local spin systems, also known as frustration-free, can be polynomially fast-forwarded, provided the initial state is supported on a subspace of sufficiently low energies. Last, we show that all quadratic fermionic systems and number-conserving quadratic bosonic systems can be exponentially fast-forwarded in a model where quantum gates are exponentials of specific fermionic or bosonic operators, respectively. Our results extend the classes of physical Hamiltonians that were previously known to be fast-forwarded, while not necessarily requiring methods that diagonalize the Hamiltonians efficiently. We further develop a connection between fast-forwarding and precise energy measurements that also accounts for polynomial improvements.

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