Groups, Platonic solids and Bell inequalities

Katarzyna Bolonek-Lasoń1 and Piotr Kosiński2

1Department of Statistical Methods, Faculty of Economics and Sociology University of Lodz, 41/43 Rewolucji 1905 St., 90-214 Lodz, Poland
2Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics University of Lodz, 149/153 Pomorska St., 90-236 Lodz, Poland

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The construction of Bell inequalities based on Platonic and Archimedean solids (Quantum 4 (2020), 293) is generalized to the case of orbits generated by the action of some finite groups. A number of examples with considerable violation of Bell inequalities is presented.

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Cited by

[1] István Márton, Erika Bene, Péter Diviánszky, and Tamás Vértesi, "Beating one bit of communication with and without quantum pseudo-telepathy", npj Quantum Information 10 1, 79 (2024).

[2] Károly F. Pál and Tamás Vértesi, "Platonic Bell inequalities for all dimensions", Quantum 6, 756 (2022).

[3] Marcin Rudziński, Adam Burchardt, and Karol Życzkowski, "Orthonormal bases of extreme quantumness", Quantum 8, 1234 (2024).

[4] José I. Latorre and Germán Sierra, "Platonic Entanglement", arXiv:2107.04329, (2021).

[5] Junseo Lee and Kabgyun Jeong, "High-dimensional Private Quantum Channels and Regular Polytopes", Communications in Physics 31 2, 189 (2021).

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