Handbook for Efficiently Quantifying Robustness of Magic

Hiroki Hamaguchi1, Kou Hamada1, and Nobuyuki Yoshioka2,3,4

1Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
2Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
3Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (CPR), Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
4JST, PRESTO, 4-1-8 Honcho, Kawaguchi, Saitama, 332-0012, Japan

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The nonstabilizerness, or magic, is an essential quantum resource to perform universal quantum computation. Robustness of magic (RoM) in particular characterizes the degree of usefulness of a given quantum state for non-Clifford operation. While the mathematical formalism of RoM can be given in a concise manner, it is extremely challenging to determine the RoM in practice, since it involves superexponentially many pure stabilizer states. In this work, we present efficient novel algorithms to compute the RoM. The crucial technique is a subroutine that achieves the remarkable features in calculation of overlaps between pure stabilizer states: (i) the time complexity per each stabilizer is reduced exponentially, (ii) the space complexity is reduced superexponentially. Based on this subroutine, we present algorithms to compute the RoM for arbitrary states up to $n=7$ qubits on a laptop, while brute-force methods require a memory size of 86 TiB. As a byproduct, the proposed subroutine allows us to simulate the stabilizer fidelity up to $n=8$ qubits, for which naive methods require memory size of 86 PiB so that any state-of-the-art classical computer cannot execute the computation. We further propose novel algorithms that utilize the preknowledge on the structure of target quantum state such as the permutation symmetry of disentanglement, and numerically demonstrate our state-of-the-art results for copies of magic states and partially disentangled quantum states. The series of algorithms constitute a comprehensive “handbook'' to scale up the computation of the RoM, and we envision that the proposed technique applies to the computation of other quantum resource measures as well.

The authors have proposed a numerical algorithm that significantly speed ups the evaluation of a quantity called Robustness of Magic (RoM), which characterizes the resource required for non-Clifford operation in fault-tolerant quantum computers. The key techniques rely on the structure of multiqubit stabilizer states and mathematical formulation as $L^p$-norm optimization problem. The work is expected to contribute to compress quantum circuits and realization of shorter depth quantum algorithms.

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[2] Poetri Sonya Tarabunga and Claudio Castelnovo, "Magic in generalized Rokhsar-Kivelson wavefunctions", Quantum 8, 1347 (2024).

[3] Roy J. Garcia, Gaurav Bhole, Kaifeng Bu, Liyuan Chen, Haribabu Arthanari, and Arthur Jaffe, "On the Hardness of Measuring Magic", arXiv:2408.01663, (2024).

[4] Lukas Hantzko, Lennart Binkowski, and Sabhyata Gupta, "Tensorized Pauli decomposition algorithm", Physica Scripta 99 8, 085128 (2024).

[5] Arash Ahmadi, Jonas Helsen, Cagan Karaca, and Eliska Greplova, "Mutual information fluctuations and non-stabilizerness in random circuits", arXiv:2408.03831, (2024).

[6] Hiroki Hamaguchi, Kou Hamada, Naoki Marumo, and Nobuyuki Yoshioka, "Faster Computation of Stabilizer Extent", arXiv:2406.16673, (2024).

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