Sample-optimal classical shadows for pure states

Daniel Grier1,2, Hakop Pashayan2,3,4,5, and Luke Schaeffer2,3,6

1Department of Mathematics and Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UC San Diego
2Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Canada
3Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, Canada
4Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada
5Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
6Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park

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We consider the classical shadows task for pure states in the setting of both joint and independent measurements. The task is to measure few copies of an unknown pure state $\rho$ in order to learn a classical description which suffices to later estimate expectation values of observables. Specifically, the goal is to approximate $\mathrm{Tr}(O \rho)$ for any Hermitian observable $O$ to within additive error $\epsilon$ provided $\mathrm{Tr}(O^2)\leq B$ and $\lVert O \rVert = 1$. Our main result applies to the joint measurement setting, where we show $\tilde{\Theta}(\sqrt{B}\epsilon^{-1} + \epsilon^{-2})$ samples of $\rho$ are necessary and sufficient to succeed with high probability. The upper bound is a quadratic improvement on the previous best sample complexity known for this problem. For the lower bound, we see that the bottleneck is not how fast we can learn the state but rather how much any classical description of $\rho$ can be compressed for observable estimation. In the independent measurement setting, we show that $\mathcal O(\sqrt{Bd} \epsilon^{-1} + \epsilon^{-2})$ samples suffice. Notably, this implies that the random Clifford measurements algorithm of Huang, Kueng, and Preskill, which is sample-optimal for mixed states, is not optimal for pure states. Interestingly, our result also uses the same random Clifford measurements but employs a different estimator.

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[8] Adam Bene Watts and John Bostanci, "Quantum Event Learning and Gentle Random Measurements", arXiv:2210.09155, (2022).

[9] Daniel Grier, Hakop Pashayan, and Luke Schaeffer, "Principal eigenstate classical shadows", arXiv:2405.13939, (2024).

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[12] Daniel Grier, Sihan Liu, and Gaurav Mahajan, "Improved classical shadows from local symmetries in the Schur basis", arXiv:2405.09525, (2024).

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